Chandra Jenkins – THATCamp Feminisms West 2013 The Humanities and Technology Camp Thu, 14 Mar 2013 22:21:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Session Proposal: Discussion of gender consturction in public digital spheres Thu, 14 Mar 2013 16:29:05 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

I work with high school and early college students at an after-school non-profit, and one of the interesting aspects of my job is watching as students construct ad deconstruct themselves, particularly in terms of gender identity, online through sites like Tumblr and Facebook. I’d love to have a conversation about different trends others have noticed and to learn if anyone has put together, or knows of any, good resources to help guide these activities so that students don’t have a permanent digital record that negatively impacts their futures.

I also love the Intro to DH and the video game and gamefication sessions that have been proposed.
